Our Services

Wound Dx

Accurate and prompt identification and determination of wound pathogens is key to proper wound management for patients suffering from pathogenic infection. The majority of skin wounds are colonized with both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and yeast. Wound and skin infections are the growth and spread of microbes, usually bacteria, within the skin or a break or wound in the skin. These infections trigger the body’s immune system and cause inflammation and tissue damage within the skin or wound and slow the healing process.

Chronic wounds cause tremendous suffering and distress to 6.7 million American patients, often resulting in a prolonged healing process with additional medications needed for treatment. The impacts of infected wounds can be severe; impacting patient mobility, function loss, depression as well hospital stays – all leading to higher costs both financially and emotionally.

Pathogenic infection can be treated properly with the right identification and determination of wound pathogens.

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